Freshwater Drum
Aplodinotus grunniens
Captured 6/19/20, Lake Huron, MI. near Port Huron, 7/11/20, Brest Bay, Lake Erie Method: Angling. Watershed: Lake Huron, Lake Erie
Notes: I caught what feels like 100 Freshwater Drum (aka Sheephead) this year. Trolling crawlers during the summer for Walleye is a good way to pick them up. They fight hard, but are not the prettiest fish in the world. It doesn't take long to recognize that what you hoped was a big Walleye on the end of the line is in fact a drum. These things surely eat a LOT of Zebra and Quagga mussels. Their cloaca is usually pretty gross-looking. Funny, because both my brother-in-law and I are holding it. Yuck.
Notes: I caught what feels like 100 Freshwater Drum (aka Sheephead) this year. Trolling crawlers during the summer for Walleye is a good way to pick them up. They fight hard, but are not the prettiest fish in the world. It doesn't take long to recognize that what you hoped was a big Walleye on the end of the line is in fact a drum. These things surely eat a LOT of Zebra and Quagga mussels. Their cloaca is usually pretty gross-looking. Funny, because both my brother-in-law and I are holding it. Yuck.