Greenside Darter
Etheostoma blenniodes
Captured 10/20/20, Looking Glass River, MI near DeWitt, MI. Method: Electrofishing. Watershed: Lake Michigan (Grand R. watershed)
Notes: Greensides get a bad rap sometimes. Usually they look pretty bland (see picture below), and are sometimes hard to identify. I can always tell a Greenside from the pattern of 'hills and valleys' on their side (obvious below), and their large, fan-like pectoral fins. When they're colored up (like the one above), it's obvious how they get their name. I really like the orange spots interspersed between the green bars, and the rainbow palette in their dorsal fins. Beautiful.
Notes: Greensides get a bad rap sometimes. Usually they look pretty bland (see picture below), and are sometimes hard to identify. I can always tell a Greenside from the pattern of 'hills and valleys' on their side (obvious below), and their large, fan-like pectoral fins. When they're colored up (like the one above), it's obvious how they get their name. I really like the orange spots interspersed between the green bars, and the rainbow palette in their dorsal fins. Beautiful.