Sander vitreum
Captured 7/11/20, Brest Bay near Frenchtown, MI. Method: Angling. Watershed: Lake Erie
Notes: My family was planning a vacation on Lake Erie (I know: **LAKE ERIE?!** ), and I read reports that folks were catching Walleye right off the cottage we rented. So I thought I'd try my luck. My son and brother-in-law in tow, we braved some pretty big waves to catch three. I was pretty happy with it. This one was one of the bigger ones, about 18". I'm not sure why it has some pinkish to its belly. I'm guessing some disease, but it tasted fine nonetheless.
Notes: My family was planning a vacation on Lake Erie (I know: **LAKE ERIE?!** ), and I read reports that folks were catching Walleye right off the cottage we rented. So I thought I'd try my luck. My son and brother-in-law in tow, we braved some pretty big waves to catch three. I was pretty happy with it. This one was one of the bigger ones, about 18". I'm not sure why it has some pinkish to its belly. I'm guessing some disease, but it tasted fine nonetheless.